♔ slytherin's princess.

Oct 17, 2009 14:22

PB: Claire Danes.
Journal: ~ablackflower.
Full Name: Narcissa Lysandra Black.
Nicknames: Cissa (friends), Cissy (family).
Birthdate: May 12, 1960 / 16 years of age.
Blood Status: Pureblood.
Location outside of school: The Black Manor in Wiltshire county.

Snake, Lion, Badger or Eagle? Snake.
Year: 6th.
Extra-Curricular: Prefect; member of Slug, Potions, & Dueling Clubs.
Favorite Subject(s): Astronomy, Potions.
Least Favorite Subject(s): Herbology.
List of subjects taken at NEWT level: Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, Herbology, Astronomy, & Arithmancy.
Strongest Subject(s): Astronomy.
Weakest Subject(s): Arithmancy.
Long term goals: Narcissa would like to put some of her inheritance to good use and invest in research companies like her father. However, it will most likely be Astronomy research companies rather than potions. She also hopes to find the person she wants to spend the rest of her life with and have children with at some point.
Short term goals: She would love to travel the world right after she gets out of school, but she knows that that is not likely to happen with her mother forcing marriage down her throat every other minute.

First showing of magical ability: Five years old. Druella was going on about Narcissa's hair again, trying to convince Cygnus that it would be a good idea to charm it dark like her sisters. Narcissa was being a particularly moody five-year-old and had had enough, so she turned her mother's hair blonde. It gave her father quite a laugh and made Druella furious (and later excited that her daughter had finally shown signs of her magical abilities).
Wand: 10" Poplar, Hippogriff feather. (Poplar - Preventative magic… not really protection. Graceful magic, meaning anything that might contribute to one's dignity. These people are cautious, but aware that some negative situations have tremendously positive outcomes. They are very dignified, and sometimes can be found in positions of royalty. Hippogriff feather - Hippogriff feathers make powerful wand cores and can perform almost all kinds of magic well. They excel in transfiguration and levitation especially, and are very common in European wands.)
Favorite Hex/Charm/Potion/Curse: Draught of Peace.
Patronus: Lioness.
Why? Lions are very protective of their own and gain the respect of others in the animal kingdom without really having to try too hard. They often represent those that are powerful and strong as well. Narcissa (while tiny) is not someone anyone would want to make angry. She is Bellatrix's sister after all.
Boggart: Her family, dead.
Why? To Narcissa, family is more important than anything else and to be left alone in the world is her greatest fear.

Names of Parents: Cygnus and Druella Black.
Is their marriage happy/unhappy? To put it nicely, their marriage is an unhappy on. They tolerate one another at the best of times and come close to killing one another at the worst.
What is their allegiance in the war? While many of their beliefs are similar to Lord Voldemort's, Narcissa's parents have never formally declared a side in the war. However, if either were ever asked directly, they would confirm being a supporter of Lord Voldemort's end goal.
How is your character's relationship with his/her parents? To put it in simple terms, Narcissa is a daddy's girl. She does not get along well with her mother and finds her to be quite annoying, but she has always been close with Cygnus. When she is home for the holidays, she spends a lot of her time with him (or her sisters). Her mother is usually too busy socializing, fussing over social events, or criticizing everyone around her to truly care that Narcissa is less than fond of her.
Do they have siblings, or are they an only child? Two older sisters.
Siblings name(s) and age(s): Bellatrix, age 21, and Andromeda, age 17.
How does your character get on with their sibling(s)? Bellatrix and Narcissa get along quite well, mostly due to the fact that Narcissa has been taught to look up to Bella as a role model from a very young age and Bellatrix is very possessive of her. Narcissa is quite close to Andromeda, but there is some growing tension there due to her sister's friendly attitude toward Muggleborns.
Pets: A gray owl named Artemis and for Christmas, she received a kitten from her father, which she named Lucy (after Lucius, haha).

Friends: Narcissa often enjoys being in the company of her sisters (especially over the holidays), but she spends a great deal of her time with her male friends. She gets along extremely well with her cousins, Regulus Black, Evan Rosier, and Roarke Rosier. Narcissa is also very close friends with Rabastan Lestrange, Rowan Avery, and Barty Crouch Jr. She and Lucius Malfoy have become rather friendly over the past few months (the fondness she feels toward him is growing into a serious fancy). As of late, she's becoming rather fond of and close to Walden Macnair. Narcissa and Alice Richardson are starting up a close friendship as well, starting with Narcissa helping Alice learn to behave like a proper lady in front of the adults. ("Gazelle!")
Enemies: Anyone of Muggle descent, blood traitors, and students sorted into Gryffindor. While she loathes more people than she likes, she does possess the ability to carry out the polite conversation with Prefects of other houses. More often than not, she ignores the people she feels are beneath her instead of belittling them publicly like many of her housemates.
Orientation: Straight.
Have they had any past relationships worth taking note of? By choice, Narcissa has never been in a real relationship. She received her first kiss in fourth year from Rowan Avery. She had went up to the boys dormitory looking for Evan and ended up staying there to chat with Rowan about books instead. One minute they were talking about a novel he borrowed from the library and the next... K-I-S-S-I-N-G. Narcissa lost her virginity during the summer before fifth year to Rabastan Lestrange. She admits it was not a well-thought out decision, but she's thankful that she gave that part of herself to someone that she trusts completely. And at her mother's request, she briefly dated Charles Montague during the summer before sixth year. Druella still pushes her into visiting him once in a while. One would consider her to be quite single and, due to her mother's demanding nature, keeping her eye out for someone to settle down with in the future. At this point, Narcissa has the idea in her head that most boys choose not to approach her, because they are either related to her or feel intimidated by her. Most say if she did not turn her nose up at Muggleborns, Halfbloods, and blood traitors, she would be surrounded by boys from all four houses. Unfortunately, her self-esteem is not quite that low, so don't expect that to happen any time in the near future.
Are they currently interested in anyone? Lucius Malfoy has recently caught her eye. He's classy, handsome, intelligent, from a good family -- absolutely nothing wrong with him. She just isn't confident that he is as interested in her as she is in him.

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 110 pounds.
Hair color: Blonde.
Eye Color: Blue.
Distinguishing marks: Her skin is flawless with the exception of a small freckle behind her left ear.

Likes: Astronomy, snow, novels, art, music, the smell of fresh parchment and new ink, sweets (everything in Honeydukes), stargazing, shopping in Diagon Alley with her sisters, and middle-of-the-night chats with friends.
Dislikes: Divination (she dropped it after fourth year), any animal bigger than a cat, the heat, Muggleborns, Halfbloods, blood traitors, and Gryffindors.

Appearance: Unlike the rest of her family, Narcissa did not inherit the dark features of a "true" Black. She is a slender, blonde beauty with intense blue eyes. Her light hair and pale skin make her facial features even more sharp and defined than the rest of her family. While genuine smiles are not exactly common for Narcissa (she reserves them for when something or someone has actually manages to please her), small pleasant ones settle on her lips quite often. Narcissa normally smells of rose-scented perfume and apple-scented shampoo. She can usually be found in her school uniform (dark pleated skirt, white collared shirt, green-and-silver tie) with her hair either falling down her back or swept up into a bun. Over the past year, she slowly allowed Andromeda to introduce her to expensive Muggle clothing (skirts, blouses, sweaters, dresses, etc -- she wouldn't be caught dead in jeans or t-shirts).
Personality: Narcissa has a very calm, cool, and collected air about her, which is something that tends to draw people to her. She is the eye of the Black family hurricane. She is loyal and kind to those she deems worthy, but cold and distant (and sometimes, just plain rude) to those she feels are beneath her. She is not known for holding her tongue when she finds something unpleasant and will let a person know if she finds their behaviour distasteful or inappropriate. It is extremely rare for Narcissa to display her anger and lash out anyone (but when she does -- watch out). Her mother has done her best to drill it into her brain that you should do everything you can to hide your emotions (anger, happiness, affection, etc), but her father tried to counter that when possible -- which means Narcissa really is capable of affection and love, it just takes the right combination - the right person plus the right circumstances - to display her feelings. When she's comfortable with her surroundings and the people she is with, she reveals the little known fact that she actually has a sense of humor. While she sometimes enjoys parties and dinners held in her family's home, she tends to spend her time in the library, the common room, her dormitory, and other quiet places when she's at Hogwarts. And like the rest of the Black family, Narcissa was named after something in Greek Mythology. While most were named after stars, Narcissa is the female version of Narcissus, who was a beautiful man that died after falling in love with his own reflection in a pond. He was then transformed into a flower by the nymphs that inhabited the pond. The daffodil is also known as the Narcissa(us) flower, which is, naturally, her favorite flower.
Where's you're character's mind at at this point in the RP? As of this moment, Narcissa's mind is in a very conflicted place. She's concerned with keeping herself and those she cares about safe while also trying to stay focused on school so that she can get through her last two years at Hogwarts. The war is making the Wizarding world more dangerous than ever and as much as she hates to admit it, it has occasionally caused her to question how much her blood and her name can protect her. Despite the hurricane of thoughts and worries in her head, Narcissa goes about her daily business and tries not to let on that she's terrified she's going to lose people she cares about before everything is said and done.
How would your character interact with characters who are on the same side, opposing side, or neutral?
Same Side: Narcissa gets along quite well with people on the Pro-Pureblood side of the war. Everyone she loves and counts as a close friend is on this side (except for Sirius... she still cares about him, even though she thinks he's a prat). Those she doesn't know well or doesn't care for, she tolerates the best she can. She honestly tries not to be truly rude or disrespectful to any of the people on this side of the war, because they are the types of people she wants as her allies during such dangerous times.
Neutral: Doesn't care one way or the other about the neutrals.
Opposing: Dislikes them, obviously. She tries not to interact with them if she doesn't have to, but when she does, she either ignores them or makes rude observations. She is a Slytherin. No matter how classy she is, sometimes Narcissa just can't resist being a little cruel toward the people she feels deserve it.
How does your character see his/herself in comparison to others? Narcissa feels she is superior to most people, honestly. Her parents raised her so that she learned her name alone would make people look at her differently, put her up on a pedestal, and respect her until she gave them enough reasons not to. Voldemort and her father are the only people she actually thinks are superior to herself. She counts her friends and most of her family as equals (her sisters, her cousins, Lucius, Rabastan, Rowan, etc). More people will be added into the "equal" category as things move along and she builds close friendships with more of the Death Eaters and their girlfriends/wives (Walden, Alice, etc).

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