Interrupting my regular subversive subcultural talk to bring you a brief mass media related rant:

Sep 20, 2009 11:27


(Yes. I know this happened about a week ago, but sometimes I remember it and just want to sock the muthafucka in the fizzog. Yah know.)

Honestly, WHAT THE FUCK. Absolutely no excuses whatsoever. He's just set himself up even more for the ruthless internet army of 'Anonymous' and basically ruined his entire career. Seriously. What an idiot.

At least Beyonce Knowles actually apologised for the stupid arse afterwards, meaning that he lost his soul to a woman so heartless actually got his just desserts.

(Not that I'm actually a fan of Beyonce either...most of her music is bearable, but there are just some songs which grind on my ears, and I don't appreciate the image she creates for herself.

Especially in her video for 'Put A Ring On It' or whatever it's called, where she and her back-up dancers basically look like three chickens running around. Really. That's what they remind me of.

Plus, what the hell does she mean by 'It'? I presume 'It' is a obviously women can be referred to with the pronoun 'it' now, like a toaster can.

And I loathe that chirping in the background that is used through the entirety of the song, it's just rage inducing.)

Anyway, yeh. Silly bugger.

So...I've been pretty freaking busy lately, mainly with just coursework. I realised that I need to pull up my grades over these final 6 weeks, so apart from Women's Group business ('specially since Reclaim The Night is going to suddenly come zooming in on us) and working towards the gamelan concert, I'm going to be buried in my coursework.

Of course, I also have certain issues spinning around in my mind which I want to discuss/spill my guts about, but by the time I sit down in front of a blank 'Post An Entry' page in the evening I'm usually totally drained and end up posting crap like the above.

Therefore, what I've decided to do is throw a list of topics out there that have been intriguing me, and if any of them spark your interest, just leave me a comment and say 'Jo, write about this!' Maybe we could even get a little debate going...not that I'm any good at debating at all. :P

NB: I know I just wrote two paragraphs about being two* busy to do much other than coursework, but it doesn't help that thoughts about things unrelated to study are racing around in my thoughts either. What I need is for you guys to help me by limiting those thoughts down to just one or two things I can talk about. If it works, that would be amazing. <3
Also, note that what I talk about is mostly speculation and opinion. I do enough reading to inform me of these things, but I'm no expert. I don't have a degree in them (let alone a degree in anything, actually).

Therefore, here goes! Here is my list:
  • Listing and romanicising about Classical Music that I find most inspiring.
  • Honest and unbiased critique on the quality of today's popular music.
  • Misogyny on the Internet
  • The meaning of Feminism and Women's Liberation
  • A realistic critique about my own pet peeves regarding/downfalls of the Queer Subculture.
  • On Asexual Awareness
  • On Transgender issues
...and many of these can be broken down into smaller chunks.

Another thing is that I'm thinking about writing more critique/reviews of music concerts I attend, and may need a separate journal for this to allow the people 'involved' in the music community to read my critique without being bombarded by the other dramas in my life. What do u guize think of this? :\

Anyway, leave me your thoughts. <3

* EDIT: I just noticed this error and giggled. I think I'll leave it there.

idiots of the world, thinking fun

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