So according to my last post I went to Gamelan class on Wednesday night, which is indeed true.
I did go to Gamelan. And it's brilliant.
I did actually go to one class ages ago when my classmate Megan encouraged me to, but after that I fell back on some of my readings and never got a chance to go back, and then I felt guilty about it and didn't go because of guilt, then my guilt impacted on itself and so on and so forth.
I'm planning to turn it into one of my 'extra-curriculars', which is exciting.
It's a funny instrument - it consists of a row of metal bars which you hit (obviously) with a hammer, but the catch is that when you play the next note you have to dampen the previous one with your hand. So in effect one of your hands is playing the piece one note behind what's actually sounding.
This proves to be very difficult, but I suppose it's all a matter of learning a formula/pattern. I was already getting the hang of some of the sections at the end of class (with much concentration!) so really it's not as difficult as I thought.
I so often feel isolated from the NZSM because I only really go to class there, do music groups outside the University, and I'm in groups which are very alienated from the music school (such as Women's group).
This will be one step in the right direction, at least.
Oh, other exciting thing is that Gareth Farr is part of this group.
He introduced himself to me as 'Gareth' and shook my hand, and I was just thinking, 'Yeh. I know.'
I have actually met and talked to him once before, when I saw 'Rome' at Circa and approached him afterward to nervously shower him with praise. I'm definitely not surprised that he didn't recognise me, however.
I keep forgetting that I should really be considering him one of my idols: he's a widely renowned composer, I'm constantly listening to his piece 'Volume Pig' and having a good laugh, and
his website's 'Important Music' list is responsible for a good chunk of my playlist.
Eg. Ligeti's Chamber Concerto...Respighi's 'Pines of Rome'...Shos's 11th Symphony (which is basically what hooked me on Shostakovich)
I also met the new composer in residence, who is from Edinburgh. ^^;;;
So hooray!
EDIT: next door neighbour nearly drove off with his little daughter's pink Crocs on the roof of his car. I had to run outside to stop him.