Aug 11, 2010 12:51
this is a rant, most likely.
or a ramble.
eh, whatever it is, you've been warned.
what the hell is it with people these days? why does ANYONE feel the need to tell anyone else how to live their life? If you don't have kids, stfu about how to raise them. if you don't have a weight problem stfu about how to lose weight. if you aren't without a job stfu about how to get one. if you aren't the other person, SHUT THE FUCK UP about their life!
I don't want the government telling me how to raise my child.
I don't want the government telling me how I should (or shouldn't) eat.
I don't want the government telling me how easy it is to get a job (and keep it).
And I don't want anyone else telling me any of those things either!
Conversely, if I want assistance with raising my child/the right things to eat/getting and keeping a job/etc, I should be able to get that. SO shut the hell up if there are groups out there designed to help me do any of those (and other) things.
What brought this on? Someone posted on their FB that the PTC should butt out and quit "controlling" what they get to watch. They are an adult and if they want to watch a show, they should be able to do so. While I agree with being able to do what you want, when you want (so long as no one is harmed), I think the PTC or whoever should be allowed to inform us parents what we are about to get into when we have a show on. If I see, in the info, that it's iffy for a 13 year old then I'm going to watch it first and then determine whether or not my child can handle whatever. If I see S or V as one of the tags under the rating, I'm going to (most likely) prevent my child from watching that show.
I could understand the persons dislike if the PTC had recently gotten the persons favorite show canceled or moved from 9 pm to midnight. But none of that has happened. Evidently this person just wants to bitch about them. Dood. THere are, seriously, bigger fish to fry. How about we attack whoever is in charge of disease control around here? Or whoever is in charge of keeping those who are unemployed fed and creating jobs for them to have? We could go after those big companies that don't give a flip about the employees they do have. Why not find a way to take care of the homeless? I know, we could start with all the racist/sexist asses out there and try to clean up some of the massive hate covering the nation. Oo! We could actually try to EDUCATE children (and adults) regarding tolerance for all people who are not harming anyone with their color, sexual orientation or nationality. Or, hell, we could just plain educate them so they'll stop making up words (helllloooo "irregardless" is NOT a word and a double negative to boot) or using the incorrect word (it's THAN not THEN - aaaaarghhh). Typos I understand, plain and simple misuse? not so much.
Argh, my train derailed. Anyway. Maybe all it boils down to is that I'm tired of people again. I get tired of them often, I think.
Going to go play some more games.