I play a lot of Halo. Almost every time I play I gain more evidence indicating that the biggest problem with the game, the black hole sucking the most fun out of the experience, is the people playing with me. Right before every game begins there's about 10 seconds of downtime while the level loads, during which everybody can talk with their teammates, or during unranked games, everybody. It never ceases to amaze me how much can happen in that 10 seconds. Within that 10 seconds you can usually get a pretty good feel as to how shitty everybody else in that game is at life. You can't help but love humanity when you have one dude named PACO KillinU screaming in your ear that he fucks your mother every tuesday and thursday with fellatio on sundays, and another guy named HungBadass has left his mic on while he's telling some mystery person that the "fag with the pink icon," (ps - that's me) " is probably some kind of queer." The best was earlier today waiting for the map to load on a snipers game with 7 other people one of whom was going by the handle Lords of Chaos. I was feeling chatty so I laid this thinking point on 'em: "Isn't the name Lords of Chaos kind of an oxy-moron? I mean wouldn't having one governing body, much less several, pretty much go entirely against the very definition of the word chaos?" The murmur immediately ceased. At this point I would have accepted many explanations, among them that he actually meant the name more in the sense of having mastery over the chaotic battle scene that would be ensuing in about 4 seconds, or even that his dog's name was chaos. Instead I got replies as varied and wondrous as, "Shut up fag," "Shut up noob," "You're a fucking retard," "Your mom's an oxy moron," and "What the fuck are you talking about fag?" Mr Lords of Chaos got in some further choice words before the match started, which I won't share with you here. I'll let you judge for yourself whether or not he had room to talk, just look
One of my teachers started class the other day by asking us if anybody would mind MTV coming and filming our class. Apparently one of the students (a korean kid named Sammy, who is pretty much the quietest person I've ever met) just got signed by Sony to be the next big thing in rap and MTV is making a documentary on a day in his life. Let me tell you how exciting I think that little project is going to turn out to be... not very.
Movie trailers should be more like this: