List five of your idiosyncrasies and then tag five friends to do the same. (I'm gonna try to avoid using my food related idiosyncrasies, as they alone could fill a book.)
1. Things I can, and will do while reading: shower, cook, walk around, get dressed, shave, drive.
2. My very first instinct upon entering somebody's car for the first time is to open and look through their glove compartment. It's not that I'm nosy about it, I don't really care what's in there, but for some reason I just feel compelled to do it. It's not like anybody keeps anything interesting in there anyway.
3. I am not a "crafty" person, yet almost everything I own (which is a HUUUUGE amount of stuff) I keep because I tell myself that I'm going to make something out of it. Examples: everything videogame related I've ever owned even the broken stuff, piles and piles of magazines, stacks and stacks of pc game demos from like 1996 and shitty cds I literally found like on the side of the road, posters for movies I don't like or never even saw, the list goes on and on and on and on...
4. Improper grammar and spelling bothers the hell out of me if it's brought to my attention. I can usually just ignore it, but if something is glaringly obvious then I start looking for more and then that makes me look for more. This goes for what I write and say too. when I start writing I pay no attention to grammar or spelling but as soon as I notice I've made one mistake I find myself going back and looking at everything else I've written to make sure there aren't any more mistakes. I have even been known to go back and edit old livejournal entries (I doubt that anybody even noticed the mistakes in the first place, much less the corrections).
5. I get a serious kick out of people's speech patterns and rythms. Example: Hunter and Grant both have very unique ways of speaking while telling a story but the fact that they roll their eyes at similar beats in the story means that whenever I talk to Grant and he rolls his eyes he reminds me of Hunter, and vice versa.
Next up:
RC, and
Hunter Everlovin' Savage