
Oct 13, 2008 23:54

For the past two and a half months or so Connor, B.D., Alex, and I have been running a small fight club. We meet three times a week. We recently, as in today agreed to make it public, or at least lift the ban on speaking of it. This is not a direct duplication or mimicry of the Fight Club from the movie Fight Club. We have some strong differences that are very important, but can wait to be detailed until later.

Our little club started in a rather simple and unassuming way. The four of us were just walking around town palling around, eating and drinking things we'd just bought from Plaid Pantry, and eventually our conversation turned to fights. None of us had any extensive experience, a fight here or there, nothing too serious.Although we had all thought about what we'd do in a fight and what we'd like the reasons to be. Eventually we started showing each other moves we'd like to try in a fight, gently at first, but getting continually more enthusiastic, this continued for some time.

At some point, and I'm not sure how my memory is pretty shaky of this particular part, we began hitting one another. It wasn't a wild thing, it was fairly controlled, I don't believe we ever went full force that night. We just we're playing around with the idea, seeing how it felt to hit one another, how much it hurt, what we could take, and how everyone's style differed, we carried on in this manner for an hour or two.

Eventually we moved from where we were, I think we heard sirens, and decided it would be best to move along. So we found another location and began to try out different work outs. Wheelbarrows, sprints, just trying anything we wanted to see if it was a good work out. Things to toughen up our fists, or other body parts, like just plain punching the ground. We did this probably until six or seven in the morning, and then retired.

We agreed that night we should do it as often as possible and keep it going. WE had no idea how far we were actually gonna go with it, or that we were going to get involved so thoroughly. I'm glad we did, and are dong it. It's a big thing.

So the origin is covered, here's our normal schedule in a night. First off we'd do a run or Parkour, at least twenty minutes of one or the other, often more in the realm of forty minutes or an hour. Then we come back and work out, push ups, sit ups, anything we can think of, I don't have a name for a great deal of what we did, I leave that for the others to fill in. Then we do body shots (Body shots inspired our name for the club to use around those who didn't know the club, we called it body shots are pretty simple, we hit each other, primarily in a gauntlet style just to build up durability. Then afterwords we would box or swan about (grapple)

The primary differences between our fight club and the movie fight club are as follows: We have rules to our fights, we don't hit the face, nuts or go for joints that will be damaged permanently. Our group isn't a engine for the destruction of society, it's a gathering of like minds that happens to fight each other. We don't reject the world, the world isn't dieing, it has a few problems but they're quite possible to be dealt with. We're not looking to pick fights with people who aren't here to fight with us. If we bump into someone on the street, we will apologize. This is for self defense, if necessary we will be able to defend our selves with this.

That's what we're doing.
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