what is this. useless update entries into forever

Nov 13, 2010 20:20

I have been doing very little livejournaling. Actually very little actual keeping up with people in general. not because I'm busy or anything either because actually things are slow, slow, slow and I've just kinda been doing games and writing and painting and being generally antisocial and only really keeping up with a few people.

which is weird for me.

Got another two kids added to tutoring though, so that's 500 bucks a week... 'cept lessons keep getting cancelled and I'm like. What. Really? I kinda need this for now >8/ fffff

Trying to meet people in town, mostly through NaNoWriMo write-ins! Which are very fun. The only problem: Have license, but am not allowed to drive. FFFFFUUUUUUU. Why? Not on anybody's insurance here. So I'm kinda screwed until I get a job so I can get a car but it'd be easier to get a job if I had a car but I can't get a car without a job.


Bookshops and starbucks and starbucks in bookshops and the awesome local used bookstore which is huge. Urban Outfitters prettymuch told me politely to sod off but I saw that coming a mile away :'D not "hip" enough.

Gonna be doing a bunch of commissions just as soon as I get my new paypal. Probably going to be taking my sales to communities that would buy stuff though.

that is all moving right along

what no, coffee grinder, jawb get, art

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