Oct 02, 2010 10:43

 one day I will write a journal about real life. (HAHAHAHA AS IF)

so the dreams I remember involve like three dreams smushing and bleeding together into each other. One was me traveling around a weird fantasy theme park and there were mermaids and giant swans every goddamn where. Also little seashell boats and really cool-weird islands. There were little toy figurines everywhere that kids were supposed to collect. I ran down a river area (if I remember correctly the sky was ALL KINDS of pretty colors) and climbed up a wooden playground thing, where I found a brown sheep figurine and traded it to the next kid that came up there for a bigger toy of a guy in a space suit, but I dropped it and the playground thing partially collapsed and fell on racesuit/spacesuit guy, cracking one of his hands off.

The kid freeeaked out and said D: YOU'LL WAKE THE DEAD GIVE THAT TO ME and tried to fix the toy and I was like, oh man did someone put voodoo in that thing D:

WELL. The "Masters" of the park showed up, their leader being a slightly plump lady in black and purple and they accused me of over powering the something and the bla bla bla and I was accursed and she threw a hula hoop with net and a pentagram at me, like some giant fake-looking dreamcatcher and it bounced off. I was like are you serious B\ and she was like it's a seal, you're sealed. And I was like uhhhhh no. I'm not. But then I realized it was a roleplay and I was supposed to play along.

THEN I HAD TO GO TO CLASS. for whatever reason "class" involved candles made of donut glazing and they were delicious %| mad science was everywhere and it felt like the 90's

NEXT DREAM is basically me running around a superbig gas station as a Spy from TF2. ACTIONS INCLUDED... well okay there was only one action. Tug your left sleeve and turn invisible. So I just ran around being an ass to people until some guy pulled a power drill thing with a battery magazine out AND FIGURED EVEN IF I WAS INVISIBLE HE COULD FOLLOW MY SHADOW I was like DB< SHITE but he could not outrun my gorgeous long legs and pointy boots.

Spahdez left the scene but the dream continued at a gas station. A little old man creature thing acted as a "distraction" for a crew trying to get past someone, and the little old man got severely beat up(off dream-camera... it was more like I knew that happened after I saw the little old man once)... then I received the knowledge that that "episode" had ended up with one set of consequences (taking care of little old man) and that this was a what-if if the team leader had acted as the decoy instead. I walked in as the guy and then things snap to a highway with floating cars, red skies, red light and really bad construction. As in falling apart and road cones everywhere.

A bit of background! The team leader is my character Ezekiel Walker, or just Walker/Captain Zeke. I only started writing him recently for mini-RPs based around space and stuff. This is the first dream where I've actually been given the whole backstory of a character in one go, basically %|

Anyway as it turns out I'm now Walker, curled up, shivering but in okay shape despite HAVING A BRAND ON MY NECK. Turns out that Walker going in as a decoy got him beat up worse than the oldmanthing, specifically by a big black guy, a mafia member named "Stingray". Basically whoever was the medic healed everything but the brand up for some reason. The big guy in the crew had Walker's head in his lap, and instructed this crazy redhead kid to drive. Said kid starts driving with its feet. Backwards. Despite his bad condition and being in shock, Walker sits the fuck up, pulls out a cigarette to put in his mouth(usually it's a toothpick) and demands he be allowed to drive.

Kid is apparently feral because it just doesn't speak English and gets all excited like YAY WALKER and pulls over... then sticks its face into Walker's neck.

TIME FOR A VIOLENT FLASHBACK! This is one of the few times I have ever been able to scream in a dream. Big Guy hella scolds Feralkid and tries to get Walker settled down again. My neck hurts just thinking about how much that stung, stupid Kid's hair got in the burn and everything.

Turns out they have a heist to do... in the area that was PREVIOUSLY the castle overlooking the fantasy park. I have a beautiful view of the lake I'd traveled around in in the previous dream, only it was the twilight hours so the sky was all dusky purple. It would have been such a peaceful scene if I were not climbing some strange futuristic device over a pool with my team, all the while dealing with PTSD from an apparent torture session in a gas station.

From where Walker and them were they could see a scifi-looking platform thing with little round blue lights... Stingray was on it and so was some woman who looked like the evil stepmother from Cinderella. I forget WHY we have to get to Stringray, I only know that it is very important, whether it is to steal an item, information or to stop him from doing something nefariously nefarious.

At this point I receive more background... In this "episode", Walker was originally supposed to die, but since the decoy plot changed, Walker would still die only in a much more dramatic fashion.

I think being a GM is doing terrible things to my dreams. All of this MEANT TO DIE shit kinda sucks 8C

Anyway UH OH, SECURITY GUARDS. Walker's team drops into the pool and tells him to follow even though he's WAY ahead of them scaling this thing. So instead he mooonkeybars the rafters under the platform over to some hanging lights and starts walking across them and caaasually checking connections. Shouts down to the security guy "Maintinence!"

The security guy. He is not impressed. So he follows Walker into the Castle, and Walker keeps on stopping to check things until he loses the guy HEY WAIT WHY WERE THERE YOUNG GIRLS WITH INSTRUMENTS RUNNING AROUND EVERYWHERE.

The dream gets mushy here and doesn't make much sense except it's a girls school and they are going to perform something in the castle's chapel. I get flash forwarded to Walker being held by a bunch of mafia men in black suits and the old lady is giving some speech with mildly religious overtones, I don't even know what they are except she's like "You will remain here something something destiny like a savior. You will play Jesus in this play something something."

Now that SEEMS funny but in the dream it was serious because it was some kind of setup thing? Something only Walker could do, something MAYBE to do with brainwashing not so sure.

And he breaks loose from the guys and HAULS ASS at FULL SPEED(which is a LOT of speed for mister Ezekiel Walker) down the castle/church hallways and yells "SCREW THAT, I'LL CARVE MY OWN DAMN DESTINY." while reaching out to gram a wall to help him turn a sharp corner. He winds up in the chapel with performers holding WEIRD INSTRUMENTS and Big Guy finds him (only for some reason Big Guy suddenly has long green hair and I THINK I recognize him as Cor from another scifi ministory I'd written)

Walker says some stuff to Big Guy about their time on the ship together after he's been kinda shaky from PTSD and collapses back on the guy. Like "Okay man it's time to be straight up honest, I really care about you thanks for being here." And just kinda... lays on him. Comfortably. Kinda knows the end is coming...?

The dream does not end with a dramatic death. From the midst of a tiny and ill-taken-care-of bongo drum drum kit rises Chad Walker, AKA Crush, Walker's little brother. And he GRINS. And starts playing Bongo. And everyone starts playing. And Walker just STARES like what the FUCK are you doing. Chad says something about how JESUS WOULD APPRECIATE BONGO DRUMS and then the rest of the dream is a hilarious muddle right until I wake up.

MORE BACKGROUND ON THE DREAM ITSELF: Stingray's full name is Stingray Charles. Yes he was wearing sunglasses lololol my dream is so witty. It took place in the same area the whole time, even though the area was in pieces I was exploring the same spaces within a circular "map", and they all coexisted despite being in separate "dreams." I think the Castle and the Mountains have appeared in other dreams, "Tree Pope and Horror Eels" and "Thunder on the Plains" are what I remember of those dreams. Yeah I never wrote them down ):

The night before this, all I can remember of my dreams were a glowing blue man suspended in a water tank in a dark basement, and pipes spewing fluorescent orange goo that was apparently the "essence of creation." This is the second time these couple of weeks a blue man has appeared in tandem with something glowing orange %|

mild glow fetish, epic dream time!, dreamblogging, dreams, awesome dream for once, silly wiccan apparatus

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