Aug 28, 2010 16:13

NOT OF ME. Of my home back in New Mexico, pictures by Ishi!


THE COLUMN AND MY MOUNTAINS. Yes they are mine. Mine and Ishi. No one else is using them except tourists. They belong to us.

One of the Fences that inspired The Fences I write about.

BIGDRASIL. Like Ygdrasil only... yeah. One of two 400-year-old cottonwood trees in my backyard, which Ishi has named Bigdrasil and Littledrasil.

NOW, I bet you're probably wondering GEE, I thought Dez said she lived in the desert WHY SO MANY TREES.
I do.
I live in a river-valley, and this kind of forest is called a Riparian-Zone YAY EARTH SCIENCE. It's the "gallery forests" that surround rivers in deserty areas. The rest of the trees are pinon and juniper, short, twisty balls of needles that are EVERYWHERE.
The rest of the trees are Elm, Cottonwood, currentbush, scrub oak and russian olive... but fuck Russian olive it sucks up all the water and takes over EVERYTHING and gives people HELLA ALLERGIES.

influence, i am a greenfag, desertfag, dez is a damned treehugger

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