The Confused Sea

Apr 12, 2010 10:13

So first thing I remember in my dream is I'm wandering through so many shelves stacked with all kinds of crap, like I have been for the past three days in my dreams when...

SUDDENLY! TORNADO WARNING! And I have to hide under a shelf.

SAND GOES EVERYWHERE it's actually kinda badassed except I can't stop thinking about how I can't fit under the shelf and something is going to break my neck.

Anyway I forget what happens for a while until I wind up swimming in this REALLY CLEAR, BLUE WATER AREA with awesome waves.

The waves HAVE no whitecaps and are shaped really weird and move weird and start going the wrong way and crashing into eachother and chasing people and sloooooowing down when they make a pipeline.

Eventually I'm like OH LOOK I'M DREAMING and I started controlling the waves until I made a sculpture out of water of a completely androgynous/bald person leaning over and offering their hand. I'm standing on top of the water with my hands on my hips, and I'm "Chester" suddenly, the dream-me with a black western duster coat that is a boy. Someone's swimming next to me and they're like D: how did you do that and I'm all HAHAHA LUCID DREAMING IS FUN RIGHT?!? Then we swim some more and I'm wondering the water obeys commands and why it's so clear and then I go do more boring dream-job stuff (getting paperwork from the guys in a weird office onshore)

And then I wake up.

dream, dreamblogging

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