Jun 22, 2010 20:51
Trucking along here. Elsa has started rolling onto her tummy, but she can't go back. It's pretty funny. She'll roll onto her tummy, play for awhile, and then gets bored and yells at you to help her go back onto her back. She sings and vocalizes a lot when she's on her tummy too. It's amazing that she just did it the first time a week ago and could barely hold her head up on her stomach, and now she's an old pro at it. I can't believe how time flies - I knew it would but actually experiencing it is incredible.
I find myself getting addicted to buying diapers and baby carriers. Baby things in general, really. It's hilarious to me because before she was born, the prices for things seemed ridiculous to me. $17 for baby sunglasses - are you kidding me? But now I'm like, "Eh, no big deal." And the damn teething giraffe. I want one of those even though it's hard not to see it as a $20 chew toy. My dad's ex has been bugging my mom and sister about what she should buy for the baby, which is weird but I told them to tell her about the giraffe. That would be sweet.
I especially need to be careful about spending because of me not going back to work, and trying to get into healthier food buying habits. Both to be healthier but also to support local producers and to feel better about the condition of the animals we're eating. And unfortunately that's rather expensive. I want to start small, with produce from farmer's markets a few times a week, eggs from people with free range hormone free birds, and a part of a cow direct from a farmer. We're already growing a bunch of our own veggies too. As we go I'd like to move on to chicken and pork from farmers too, and eventually find a raw milk supplier.
Don't think I'm turning into a health nut by any means. I have no plans to give up junk, just include more good stuff and make sure that good stuff is the best it can be. Also I was getting very up in arms about the movie "The Cove" and realized it was hypocritical of me to be outraged about mass dolphin slaughter when I eat all meat from commercial farms. I thought about stopping being mad about the dolphins, but that wasn't really the solution. ;)