Now, I know cross-posts aren't allowed (and can be very annoying). But, I'm hoping this one will be okay (sorry if it's not) - delete if desired.
I just found scans of Nishikawa in this month's SHOXX magazine. But, since it's Nishikawa and NOT abs or TMR... I'm left with: where do I share them? I guess I could share them in both communities, but cross-posting isn't allowed. Plus, most people are in both communities. But, probably not EVERYONE.
So, for now,
I've posted the scans in my own journal. It's not friends locked - so anyone can see them.
And, I want to ask.... what does everyone think would be the most appropriate place to share Nishikawa only info/media that's not related to abs or TMR?
abingdon_bs? abgdboysschool? tmrevolutionist? Allow cross-posting of items/news such as this (if mods are okay with that)?
Ideas? Suggestions?