(no subject)

Dec 28, 2006 09:00

wow so uh when last we met i was still without internet in my new apartment. got interent relitively quickly and then immediately got myself sucked into an online video game. like completely lost my soul to it and it still claims my soul to this day but i'm going to once again make an effort to come back to live journal. i really think it's my lack of icons that lets me wonder.

so my last 4 months in a nut shell:
got fired from first job
hate second job but christmas season is almost over so thank GOD it'll go back to normal
got a kitten, named tempest
took a break from school
worked a lot
played a lot of DDO.

kinda boring huh? oh and started watching torchwood (and christmas invasion: runnaway bride w00!).

now i must get off my lazy a** and clean the rest of my apartment because an appraisal guy is comming in 3 hours and i need to make it pretty.
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