Mar 23, 2005 15:56
Hello...I don't really have the time to be doing this, but I figured that this was about as good a way of communicating as any, when it comes to dealing with teenagers & young adults.
I have a daughter that's going to college at UD...she can't seem to find her center; her true calling or place in this world. Not that I really expect her to know at age 20; it's just that I understand that SHE expects to know! ;p
I have a son who turned 18 the day before my oldest daughter turned 20...who then proceeded to turn away from his family because "he was 18, and old enough to do whatever the hell he wanted to do, without someone telling him." Unfortunately for him (and I KNOW he doesn't like to hear this), but turning 18 isn't some kind of a magic spell that makes to all-knowing, all-seeing and wise when it comes to the ways of the world and reality. His grades went immediately into the toilet, and along with them all that extra effort in college classes and credits. At this point, I'll be happy if he's able to graduate with a diploma and get into the Navy. One of these days he's going to realize his mistakes, and admit that turning 18 doesn't mean you're an just makes you legal. I should know....I remember it well.
Finally, I have my youngest daughter who is living at home.
She's trying to kill me.
Seriously, if she keeps going the way she is, it's going to give me a freaking heart-attack and send me to an early grave. She thinks she's being so clever and sneaky...the "rents" 'll NEVER find out what she does.
You keep thinking that Sweetie...Daddy sees more than he wants to.
If it weren't for my loving wife, I'd probably go insane right here. She keeps my head in the game and my feet on the ground...I'd be totally lost without her. God blessed me the day we met....even though we hadn't really met HAD to be there; another LONG story!
TTFN...write to me, kids!