Jan 22, 2007 16:17
Apparently I'm prone to poor sleeping habits on the weekend, because I didn't end up asleep until after 1. That wasn't a very good decision, I decided, when it became nearly impossible to arise out of my bed at 6:30. I managed somehow, and before I knew it, I was at English. That was fun; we went over the tests from last time a little bit more. My teacher is so casual, in a way that's difficult to explain. She's just cool. XD; I agreed with her that US typesetting is stupid in regards to quotations. Apparently, punctuation must be inside the quote marks, even if it's not a part of the title.
For example: In the essay we read, "Disability," a woman with MS expressed her frustration with the media's portrayal of disabled people.
That looks...so stupid, but it's correct and I need to learn it. It was nice to be able to ask some of the questions I've always had about punctuation, mostly with parenthesis and quote marks. There's a usage guide in the back of ours books that talks about word choice and correct usage. I'm definitely going to read that, more for the benefit my internet-writing than my essays. XD; I asked a lot of questions, but answered a lot of them too. I guess I'm not that dumb for being a grade-school dropout. :x
After English let out, I walked over to the library to read the homework, which I nearly completed. It turns out that we do have to write journal entries, but only half of a page for each homework assignment we read. The best news was that it can be typed--so I won't be flunked because it's not legible! :D It's a mere two-minute walk to my math class from there, and it feels good to actually understand that. The buildings already seem familiar.
Math was pretty good, though we got into deeper material. As such, he wasn't able to complete the lesson in the fifty-minute period, so the homework isn't due until Wednesday. I suspect we'll finish the next section along with the current section next time, which would mean double homework for tomorrow. So I went ahead and did what I could out of this section's homework, which happened to be 6 problems.
After I got home, we ordered my Mac~ ♥♥♥ :D It'll be here between Friday and next Thursday. I can't wait! It's going to be so awesome. So fast, able to run Parallels at full speed with that virtualization technology on the new Intel chips, will let me use 1600x1200 again, won't be a hack, will come with iLife, will have QE and OGL, and, and, just, it'll be a real Mac! I can not wait. So many hours between now and Friday. o__o I'm finally a legitimate Mac zealot fangirl enthusiast♥
And now, off to C Programming~