When I was 9 years old my family took a vacation on Martha's Vineyard. It was a very exciting trip because I was convinced that we were going to see Carly Simon since she had a house nearby. (I was a big Carly Simon fan as a child.) We didn't see Carly Simon, instead my brother and I tried fishing with caterpillars (yuck) rode our bikes until my pedals broke and we had to stop at a Coke bottling plant to call our parents to come get us (I think they gave us free Coke) and we rode a tiny little plane to Nantucket to visit some friends of my parents.
For some reason, though, this trip is linked in my mind with the book
Daughter of the Moon by Gregory Maguire. I think we either listened to it being read on NPR on the island or on the drive home. In any case, we didn't get hear all of it so my dad bought a copy when we got home, which ended up in my possession. I rediscovered Gregory Maguire in the late 90s when I saw a copy of
Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister in Olsson's bookstore in DC. I bought it because it was set in Haarlem, where Erik is from. I then ended up reading
Wicked, which is a wonderful book that everyone should read. It took me until 2001 when I was working at the cafe in Books Inc to realize that the author of Daughter of the Moon wrote those books as well.
Anyway, back to Daughter of the Moon. I remember adoring this book as a child. I don't know if it was one of the many books I read over and over, Animal Farm and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland being two of the others. I loved it enough to move the hardback copy that my dad bought in the early 80s and keep it on a shelf with my other favorite authors, even though I hadn't read it in at least 20 years. Until yesterday. Niels was laying on the couch asking for more and more TV and I decided to look for Harry Potter to read to him. I couldn't find it, which is probably good, I'm not sure he wouldn't be scared by it, and found Daughter of the Moon instead. I read him a chapter yesterday and today. I still love this book. I am glad that I toted this copy around all those years so that I can share it with my kids.