This post is mostly for
Kristi, since she was the one who knit half of the item in question. It's the Lady Eleanor stole which I started for my mother in July 2005. Kristi pointed out that I don't need to knit my mother a sweater for Christmas if I just finish this. Genius! I'm posting this friends only because my mom does read my blog now and the pictures are private on Flickr. I want her to be a bit surprised.
(Editting: Now that Christmas is over and she has the shawl [and was surprised] I'm making this entry public.)
I can't remember exactly when I stopped working on it, or when Kristi forcibly removed it from my house so she could finish knitting it for me. In any case, it's been all knitted for a while but there was a slight hiccup during the transition from my knitting it to Kristi's which resulted in an extra square and a half on the edge. I finally decided to fix that this week.
I needed both coffee and sugar to face it.
The extra has been snipped away, I just need to sew it back up.
All sewn up!
I managed to do it without having an asthma attack. My throat just hurt a bit afterwards. I did forget to use the homeopathic animal dander stuff I have, that might have helped. I will need that in the future for the blocking and fringe!