(no subject)

Dec 12, 2014 18:24

I am going on holiday! To Americaland! In March. Travel plans are

  • London Super Comic Con the weekend of March 14/15
  • flying from Heathrow to San Francisco on March 18
  • staying in San Francisco for a week
  • catching the Coast Starlight to Seattle on March 25/26
  • then settling down and attending the Emerald City Comicon
  • and then a loose couple of days during which time I will probably visit friends in Portland? I've not booked the transport for this bit yet.
  • anyway, back to Seattle for a flight back to Heathrow on the 1st
  • and then straight into EasterCon!

My death from exhaustion is scheduled for April 7th, which means I sadly won't be able to attend the Taylor Swift festival day I have booked for the day after my birthday. Oh well.

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