Snowflake challenge #11

Jan 21, 2020 09:18

Being a trained historian, I always do my research. Sometimes I do a shoddy job, but whatever. Sue me. It's also a good way to find inspiration if I get stuck. And of course, research is a black hole of time. Sometimes it's a good time suck; other times, it's just an excuse to not write.

For all things Harry Potter, I depend on the The Lexicon. This source has evolved over the years and by it's own admission, catalogs details from the books only. It does not reference the films, video games, etc. I respect that.

For Star Trek, my go-to is Memory Alpha. This gathers up everything that's considered ST canon--TV series, movies, video games, comics and some of the novels (for a period, some novels went beyond what was accepted as 'canon', though CBS has re-claimed the novels universe and is licensing tie-ins. Those novels beyond the scope of CBS can be found in Memory Beta.)

Sometimes I go back to the original sources, like the books or an episode or film to re-read or -watch a particular scene. It's good to think of a different perspective. Because why does the HP universe always have to be told from Harry's POV?

Research is good.

harry potter, fanfiction, star trek, research, fandom, snowflakechallenge2020

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