Saturday Morning here

Jun 25, 2005 08:07

Well, I am not sure what I was thinking when I scheduled my TV installation for a Saturday Morning. Ecspecially since I drank last night and had quite a bit but not enough to be trashed by anymeans, just enough to feel good and have a good time. I got to see some old friends from high school, her and her girlfriend and friend. It was interesting. I also some really hot guys but they all had girls with them, so that sucked.

Last night after I got off work my friend went on a drive up to this reservoir that is really pretty and just kept following the road for a long time until we were sure that we were in Nebraska or somewhere weird. Then we found this ghetto road that is all rugged and kinda scary to drive in a car that this guy told us would get us back to civilization. It did which was a good thing, because we were getting nervous. Then we went a partied at the bar it was cool.

Well, I guess I will go do something else until they get here!!
Love to all
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