Dec 29, 2011 15:38
When someone posts a crossover fic, I believe it should be a true crossover of two shows that do not have a link (directly related to one another). For example, in my opinion, these shows are not true crossover fic material: Doctor Who/Torchwood; Stargate SG-1/Atlantis/Universe; Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel (shudders to even mention, although I do admit a guilty pleasure of Angel, but not Buffy); any CSI or NCIS show, etc. Why? Because many of these shows are spin-offs of another, so they naturally cross into each other because at least one character from one show is now placed in another or they use the same premise. Take Doctor Who and Torchwood for example; Torchwood would have never been created if it weren't for Captain Jack Harkness showing up in the last 3 or 4 episodes of Doctor Who (Eccleston era). Same goes with Stargate Atlantis and Universe. This is why I get so frustrated when looking for a true crossover (for example, Supernatural and Doctor Who or Supernatural and Torchwood) and I end up getting spin-off combo fics instead. Yes, I do have a rather oddly wired brain.