School plays,pretty woman..i ask you!

Mar 08, 2004 19:29 the intersting life of me...went to a partayyy on friday with anna,ozzy,haz,TJ,Oli,Sophie and Kat, all ov us squeezed in a car and olis driving is so shit we nearly all died,but all in the name of good fun..

On Saturday night my mate charly came round and we watched pretty women and now walk round school singin the tune repeatedly..

School plays cuming along it's got MC's and Dj's in it, star trek armies, totties and streeties n it's fucking weird with an age ban cos its not suitable for under 14's, really weird we have to rewind n fastforward cos were controled on remote, but it's really fun and at the risk of sounding like a paedophile - the year 10's in it are gorgeous, we all drool over them there SO fit!

In the love life..went round stevens last nite n we kissed (gah) n he thought we were getting back togehter which we're not, at least not any time soon, tom had his kick boxing fight and broke his nose and had we are

Take care allxxxxxx
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