Jun 28, 2009 17:17
The news media may toss laurels and roses on Mikey J Bratfukah's funeral pyre, but here is what normal people are saying here at the East Side Service Center.
Some names have been changed to protect the Unclean.
"He did'nt want to be a man. He did'nt want to be Black. He did'nt want to be an American. He turns himself into a white woman, then goes off to live in the middle east."
Dereck, a Black cop.
"He's not dead. He faked it."
A woman pumping gas.
"You know how he was able to molest all those children and get away with it? The power of Satan. That's how."
Another woman pumping gas.
How do you end up 420 million dollars in debt? Buy cars, buy houses, buy your own amusment park, keep buying shit. At some point your going to realize you don't have any money left, then stop buying shit, right? Jack Nicholson lives in a house. Not a manor, not a palace, a house. He bought it in the sixties after he made Easy Rider and he has lived in it ever since. It's a nice house with a big garage, like five or six cars, on a few acres of land, but that's all. He'll never run out of fucking money."
Dave, Head mechanic.
"Who cares?"
Eddie, Tow Truck driver.
"Oh, he had 'Crash and Burn' written all over him. Everyone saw it."
Dr Jordan, shrink, Butler Hospital.
Pete; "He could dance like a motherfucker."
Dennis "Fucking monkey. You would dance too with 85 fucking pills in you."
Pete and Dennis, Tow Truck drivers.
"Oh my God, I cried all night."
Chick from ice cream place.
"When Jerry Garcia died everyone said 'Oh it was drugs, yup. The drugs killed him.' But that was Jerry Garcia. Michael Jackson dies, and everybody is going 'Hey! Holy Fuck! What happened?'."
Judy, White cop.
And finally;
"This is fucking ridiculous."
Black drug dealer.
At least I think he is. This guy carries around thousands of dollars in hundreds and fifties. I see it every time he buys candy and Gatorade.