Tow Truck drivers hit one out of the park.

May 20, 2009 17:16

The District Manager calls me up this morning.  He needs to talk to me when I get into werk.

Not the manager.  The district manager, who runs like eight shops.

I get into werk and there he is.  I'm like "Oh shit, here we go..."

He gets me into the office, and just wants to "talk".  Basically, he wants to know what happened last night.  My first reaction is "Nothing Happened." because nothing did happened.  But I figured  something must have happened.

I put on my thinking cap.  "Did I forget to lock the door?"


"Did the dog get out and bite somebody?"


It took us a while, but we figured out that there had been a huge misunderstanding.

Here is what happened;

Two of the tow truck drivers showed up around ten o'clock.

Jimmy and Eddie.

We're closed.  I'm doing my paperwork trying to get the hell out of there.  They want to fix something.  A light on top of Jimmy's tow truck was dead.  Big deal, but they want to fix it anyway.

Jimmy climbs up on a ladder and starts working on it.  I finish my paperwork and end up shooting the breeze with Eddie.  We talk about football, a chick named Heather, the asshole with the Chrysler, the asshole with the Honda, ect, ect.

This is a key point.  Eddie is not helping Jimmy fix the light.  He's talking to me instead.

Jimmy finishes, I lock up and we all leave.

Remember a few weeks ago when mechanics and tow truck drivers all agreed I have the ass of a fourteen year old boy?

At some point that evening, Jimmy was on the radio complaining (to the entire world) that Eddy did not help him fix the light.  Instead Eddy was "Fucking that fourteen year olds ass."

Or words to that effect.

What he ment was (obviously) that instead of helping him with the light, Eddy and I engaged in homosexual coupling.

What was inferred by some idiot out there was that a tow operater sodomized a minor.

Of course, neither happened.

But I'm the guy who gets called in for it.

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