What the hell rhymes with that?! "I'm harpening, you're harpening, we're all harpening..."

Aug 09, 2006 13:07

I heard a dyadic, bell-like clanging somewhere in the distance. Curiosity piqued my interest, and I was getting ready to go find out what the noise was, when I realized it was getting closer. It dawned on me that it was probably some sort of Ice Cream Truck. An Ice Cream Truck! Right here on our street! Our street of friendly, mostly adult occupants... with day jobs! Wait, I... hold on...

Then, through the trees surrounding our porch, the trucks rolls into view. Come one, come all, and get a delicious treat from "Carlito's Knife Sharpening!" It was a standard vending truck, only with hundreds of cutting tools painted on its outside, and the crystalline sounds of countless blades rattling against its inner walls.

I was primed for some ice cream, and would have gone to complain about false advertising, but Christ, I don't want to fuck with with Carlito the Knife.
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