Oh just take my hand, We'll float & never land...ever..
First of all RAMADAN KAREEN to all you happy people.
I came to know about this yesterday when i was at my gf's place. Please dont be shocked It was her sister's birthday and she had invited me apart from my sister who is actually her classmate. So you see? it all adds up well :P
Either way i was the one incharge of the music when they played patent games like Musical Chairs and Passing The parcel. It was a bit scary to see so many girls at one place at a time, they seemed to pop out from anywhere.
This one girl who totally looked like a younger version of
tas99 was all over me since i enterred. Bit freaky but she talked, walked just like my Tasneem dear.
Well anyways, i was the one incharge of making everyone laugh and pull Zin's leg whenever i got the chance.
Me and Zin dint get much time to ourselves but we did our bit of flirting around while the house was in all sorts of chaos. Rest of the information is for me to cherish.. ;)
Some pictures were taken, but i dont know when i'll probably get 'em.
*I still dont know when my bus will reach my place tomorrow..DAMN!*