Life or sumthin like it.

May 04, 2006 15:19

Honesty is a hard attribute to find
When we all want to seem like
We’ve got it all figured out

Well let me be the first to say that i
Don’t have a clue
I don’t have all the answers

As a sign of an anvil leaping off my chest, me and mr_intoxicated decided to go for a movie to AL Massa [yes..yes wicked_danu i know it is a sad place for you but whatever..we din't have any other choice]

Well we had three choices :-

1. Mission Impossible 3 [impossible not to watch, but you see YOUSIE had some other plans to watch it]
2. Mistress Of Spices [OYE BABEE !! Ash is looking totally rad in the posters and stuff but the reviews had some other story to blabber]
3. Scary Movie 4 [Sigh, the only choice left..]

The movie wasn't half bad at all, the rib-tickling humour and goof ups of former blockbuster movies was just laughable. Well i could not open my mouth at all since my lips are ass dry as my sister's PLAY DOH clay, and still cracking.

After the movie Yousuf walked his way towards the Sharjah City Center and i made my way back home. I walked a staggering 4 kms back home in 40 minutes. tas99 calls that healthy, yea sure its pretty stupid, since i've been resting my lazy ass continuously on some sort of a support, either in the library in front of a book or at home in front of my study table.

I actually had that feeling which, now i recall, i had called "COMPLETELY BIZARRE" a year back.
"When you stare into the eyes of death, you see your whole life flash right before you."

On my way back i actually had to walk an empty stretch of sandy land towards this bridge when out of no where i here the sound an engine rumbling behind me. As soon as i turned my head i was blinded by two heavy duty 4 wheeled drive headlights staring back at me. I was actually frozen at that place with one thought lingering.
"CAN THAT BASTARD SEE ME??" since i was wearing a dark blue colored shirt. At the same moment i could see my whole life flash. Din't know what i saw since im just 17, but i did.
Out of reflex a honk from that 4 wheeler made me jump right out of the way, and i showed him the finger.
Feeling all happy i could see 3 more cars taking the same route. WTF?? i made a run for the pavement just 30 yards away *this time my sense working*.

Seeing the traffic, Sharjah drivers will drive from anywhere. Daniyal will agree with me im sure.

This whole bloody incident just tore one thing into my mind, that people who seem and think that they are bored and misleaded in their lives, like my very own dodo headed sis alienhybrid who just does not understand the true meaning of life and the value of it. Depressing display pictures, depressing entries, she's a powerhouse of sad endings. [I DONT REGRET SAYING THAT MANO!!] :P, dont know what life really is. Life is a balance, it has its share of sadness and equal amounts of happiness indeed.
Like i just poured a cup full of boiling hot coffee all over me when i was making one for my dad. Ive got nasty blisters right near my belly button but i'm not complaining.

This was supposed to happen ATLEAST I DINT DIE!!

Go "live" people..

yousuf, massa, cars, ashwarya, death, life, movie, manolia, coffee, daniyal

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