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Oct 29, 2004 10:26

Chrissy is making me happy...Thanks

The opening night of "You Can't Take it With You" was last night and it went quite well...Laura said it was one of the best opening nights...Natalie and I apparently went onstage for our scene too early in the 2nd scene of the 1st act b/c we got a bitchin' from Joy when it was over, but I went along fine...She said there wasn't supposed to be plates on the table, but I don't remember doing that in Dress Rehearsal, but then again it was our fault for not waiting on Joy and Taylor to tell us to go...Rob had to rush to stage right to get the coke and glasses ready and they weren't there when we walked to the kitchen so I just drew out my lines...We did get them and got back to the table and I have a line about how the bottle opener is weird, but I couldn't find the bottle opener so I tried opening the bottle with my hand...Well it didn't want to come off...It twisted, but it didn't come off so I fiddled and improvised for a second or two and saw the bottle opener in one of the glasses, grabbed it, popped it open and it spewed all over Natalie...I just burst out into laughter just now thinking about it...It wasn't as funny last night...It's also funny b/c I have a line about it and it's really suppose to spew on me, but we cut that line b/c we didn't want to hassle with cleaning the suit everyday...But of course, AMBER missed all that b/c she was late, but that's beside the point ;-) love ya babe...Also, Helen cut my middle finger with all that damn jewelry she wears...It was so much fun tho...I'll be glad when we're done b/c of stress reasons, but I'll sure miss it and wait and wait for next semester to come.

Anyone and everyone should come see it sometime this weekend...Life is good
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