Jan 15, 2008 23:48
Yesterday was indeed fascinating. An interesting culture, one I researched much into today, but the curse plagued us with many unsavory events, such as seems to be most frequently in their nature. Slavery is truly an abhorrent practise, one that cannot be allowed, and to see my own student forced to work as such, a personal strike against me.
I believe I dealt with it as necessary, in the calm manner one must take in such situations. To give in to temper is to lose the ability to rationalise properly. So it is.
[Filtered From Jiang Wei, Wei and Wu]
Indigo blue is obtained from the indigo plant, but such color is bluer than the plant itself. How true is this... as generations gain new wisdom, thus the disciple must one day surpass their master. I shall be glad to see Jiang Wei fulfill his potential and when I one day pass on, I shall surely watch him come to greatness from the heavens. Yes... so it shall be so. I am certain of it. I pray only that Lord Liu Chan's fearful nature does not damage Shu as he grows older. I am weary of such things, but in death there will be nothing I can do.
I must put my faith in the heavens, and hope that my student shall be allowed to fully utilise the potential he has for the sake of Shu.
zhugers the genius,
zhugers ftw,
zhugers is musing,
the pursuit of knowledge,
teaching the student,
zhugers the dragon,
the wise becomes wiser,
liu chan,
is there anything he can't do,
he really is a great genius,
jiang wei,
don't mess with his student