okay yall you gotta do me a favor. por favor.
please join
http://www.catch27.com/join.php?invite=23878for me.
i would greatly appreciate it. since it is my new obsession.
but yeah basically about it:
you are a trading card on this site. when you get 27 people on it you have a chance of winning some money or an ipod or something cool like that. so it's pretty neat. and you can trade people for other cooler people and stuff like that. if you just join my pack its free...
but more importantly i'd really really like if someone would buy me on this site(for $7.04). just join it click my profile and then click 'gotta have her'. cuz no one owns me and its pretty sad:[ you dont have to of course! it's just a suggestion.
yea well im just into it. it's pretty fun. i must say.
well take care loves<3