I was answering those questions for Akimaru. He was just in my room yesterday so does he need a new report on my room contents! No!
Anyway I just think it is hilarious you criticized me, considering this post. Other then the makeup revelation (which no one needed to know honestly) what interesting new stuff did YOU say? You should say more stuff about Shun because unlike you he is actually awesome.
Wh- What does Shun have to do with anything? The little brat came in my room and dropped a teacup on the floor! What do you know about Shun? You don't know how awesome he is!
And shut up about the makeup, already! I was just answering the questions! It's not like you haven't dabbled in your sister's face creams in your more pimply days, right?
Oh, no, I forgot, Motoki was born with perfect skin that never falters in its immaculate complexion. Silly me.
Shun is a big fan of me! Go ahead and ask him! He loves me!
I met him at a few of our Todakita games. So it's not like I know his whole life story but he is adorable, and probably a fellow ninja. So there.
If you didn't want anyone commenting on the makeup you should have probably not said anything. No one cares if you use stupid makeup but why admit it? That is just asking for harassment! I think you like to be teased!!!
Awww come on you don't have to have such a stick up your ass about it. Join the club! You're only young once! Don't be like Kazu-san and become an ossan before your time! Though I don't remember you being big and fat...
But it's a totally cool club! It's got Haruna, and Kazu-san and me (and almost definitely Jun-san), and maybe other people I haven't met yet, and that means it's cool. How is it insane? It's fun! Don't run away, Abe~! XDDD
- signed, your friendly neighborhood NINJA
Anyway I just think it is hilarious you criticized me, considering this post. Other then the makeup revelation (which no one needed to know honestly) what interesting new stuff did YOU say? You should say more stuff about Shun because unlike you he is actually awesome.
And shut up about the makeup, already! I was just answering the questions! It's not like you haven't dabbled in your sister's face creams in your more pimply days, right?
Oh, no, I forgot, Motoki was born with perfect skin that never falters in its immaculate complexion. Silly me.
I met him at a few of our Todakita games. So it's not like I know his whole life story but he is adorable, and probably a fellow ninja. So there.
If you didn't want anyone commenting on the makeup you should have probably not said anything. No one cares if you use stupid makeup but why admit it? That is just asking for harassment! I think you like to be teased!!!
UGH! Screw you! Why are you all so totally insane??? I'm not joining that club! You all stay away, damnit!
And if I was really that interested in being teased, i would have just remained your catcher.
Also, what did Shun say? I hope he joins this baseball network soon.
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