OMG, Jake Gyllenhaal went alone to Vanity Fair!
I just had to share this bec. DAMN! this means the winds are blowing favourably for my fic. Hehe...before hearing about this, I didn't really want to mess up reality by 'embellishing details' that don't happen to be TOTAL FACT in the RealReal World. Gosh...this changes things...
Oh, and in other news, my pbwiki,
The Reading Cat has now gotten 2000 views. It doesn't mean 2000 people have gone there (and, for all I know, left rather hurriedly a few seconds later). It doesn't even really mean that it was viewed 2000 times by people. It's just a number on the built-in 'counter' of the FrontPage. "2000". Huh. *shrugs* Yeah...sooo lousy, right? I mean, 2000? What's that? Like, not even lame for Pete's sake, but worse than lame. Read: PLAIN INSIGNIFICANT. Oh well. *sigh* I still like mah wiki, no matter that it doesn't have an audience. At the very least, it helps me keep track of my reading list.