Mar 03, 2006 19:57
I'm so sick of being sick, but I don't know when this friggin cold is gonna let up. I popped a few tablets yesterday for mucus problems, but this morning it seems I developed a cough, and by lunch I was forced to admit that maybe cough syrup would be best. But the cough syrup isn't helping much right now, and my head feels friggin heavy and I had NO appetite at dinnertime. Friggin hell. And, oh, is it only me, or is Ryan Seacrest just...I dunno. JustmightsounddumbifIgoon...
In other news, tried to read several books in one go: MiddleSex, Shantaram, Divine Comedy and...what was the other one again?? Oh yeah, Catch-22. Something might have held my attention above all others if it weren't for this friggin cold. Now, all that totally holds my attention is my friggin damn COLD. Man, I -hate- useless maladies. I mean, if it were enough for me to get bed-ridden TOTALLY and allow me to play (my seldom used and abused) sympathy card, then maybe I'd have been happy (in that secret part of my brain that is just twisted and crazy and generally dumb). But a friggin cold? Hell! It just means I have to push myself harder to get the best out of the day. And damn, but the silver lining there looks more like guillotine wire. Might as well execute myself for all the painpainpain this utter crap cold is giving me. Hmph.
Clif asked me to review eLibrary yesterday (just got the e-mail this morning). It's supposed to help you sort through Project Gutenberg. Frankly, I get by with just the site's search engine. I'm good at digging stuff up, and moreover, I'm diligent. I don't let up on a search until I'm satisfied. But, mayhap I gotta lower myself to the mortal realms and try to appreciate the supposed benefits of eLibrary to the average ebook reader, who is perhaps constrained in time and/or not really into thinking creative solutions for search problems. (Ha! Sound like a management buff. Eck! I hates this lingo... :p) So, might do that on the compie, since lappie has developed a (not totally unexpected) strange allergy towards eLibrary. (i.e. search for ebooks doesn't work! :( hrm...) For now, am (trying, very very hard) to download (from the usual, namely, yar!piracy!) Indian music. Ish, something. Was very, very delighted to find that so many many peeps in the mp3 underground have Charlie and the Chocolate Factory soundtrack. :)
my kind of piracy,
friggin distracted