May 23, 2006 17:59
As I watch the pitiful performances of American Idol I realize that it's only a reflection of what has been happening in the music industry in the past decade. We have hit an all time low in music and as of now I can only see it getting worse. Those with talent have thrown it down the toilet in exchange for pop crap(Liz Phair you're a fucking let down to me and I'll never forgive you for that and you too little Miss Clarkson) I am giving up on ya'll I dunno maybe it's because i'm like 184 but whatever I know music and always will pride myself on that shit. So blibbity blah music sucks. Hell I miss bands like LIVE and even my Champagne Supernova in the least even then it was okay music. But Keisha Cole...are you kidding me with this shit?! I'd rather chew a mouth full of glass and wash it down with a shot of lemon juice and pine-sol.