flamingnargle May drabble Challenge -- Might

May 01, 2007 22:59

Title: What Might Have Been

Word Count: 100

Rating: G

What Might Have Been

If only she had fought back when he said they were over…

If only he had stayed by her side at Slughorn's party…

If only she had fled when it became clear that her father had finally gone round the bend...

They could have found each other. Found love - life in each other's arms.


Luna was whisked away to the Himalayas. She became Buddhist nun. Enlightened. Alone.

Harry was single minded. Reckless. Victorious. Dead.

Ginny's life was at the Burrow and the Burrow was her life. She helped ailing parents die, siblings and their children live. A rock. Always wondering…

harry/ginny/luna, drabble, flamingnargle, challenge

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