For the Feb. flamingnargle Drabble Challenge

Feb 13, 2007 01:17

For the February flamingnargle Drabble Challenge. The prompt is Announcement.

Title: In Which Harry Consumes Copious Amounts of Firewhiskey, Finds His Inner Poet, Jumps Atop a Table in The Leaky Cauldron, Makes an Announcement and Abruptly Passes Out.

Rating: G

Word Count: 100 (plus a 27 word title)

In Which Harry Consumes Copious Amounts of Firewhiskey, Finds His Inner Poet, Jumps Atop a Table in The Leaky Cauldron, Makes an Announcement and Abruptly Passes Out.

I shall stand upon the highest rooftops and shout 'til my voice is raw.

I shall ring the bells in every tower 'tween Hogsmeade Town and London.

I shall post placards with their lovely likenesses on poles, trees and notice boards throughout the lands which swear allegiance to the Queen.

For today, in this very hour, these two women - my two dear loves - have agreed to be bound with me and each other creating a household, a family, a community of love, beauty and truth such as is rarely seen in the world of Wizardkind or the Muggle lands beyond!

harry/ginny/luna, drabble, flamingnargle, challenge

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