flamingnargle drabble...

Jun 25, 2006 13:59

Another drabble for the June prompt (crowd) at flamingnargle

Title: The Observer Effect in Relation to Meaning Attributed to Arbitrary Numbers

Words: 100

Author: aberforths_rug

The Observer Effect in Relation to Meaning Attributed to Arbitrary Numbers

Luna had always heard "two's company and three a crowd." She wondered what four and five were. What was beyond a crowd?

One often felt more like a crowd. All the thoughts and ideas and dreams in her mind formed a jostling crowd of jutting elbows and stepped on toes.

When Harry, or Ginny, or Harry-and-Ginny were with her it seemed less crowded. Love made a wide space where everything fit with ease. Love turned the jutting elbows into soft caresses and with love toes danced together without pain.

A crowd, Luna decided, was in the eye of the beholder.

harry/ginny/luna, drabble, flamingnargle, challenge

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