Jul 04, 2002 20:13
Funky me lol i was just outside getting my hottub ready for when people come over and i was testing the water and my stupid self leans over cause i thought i saw something in the bottom of the hottub and i had no idea but ryan came over and let himself in...and yea he pushed me in HEAD FIRST! ok i almost had a heartattack.. so yea i was fully clothed and SOAKING WET.. lol i was mad at first but then i just started CRAKING up! hehe so then i gave him a smooch and i jumped on his back and got him soaking wet... so yea...that was fun...then we came inside and i lent him some of my older bro's clothes and i changed.. and yea we are just going to chill at my house tonight instead of going to memorial park.... were going to go out on my roof and watch the fireworks from there.... so yeah well... im going to get going... talk to yous later!!!