Feb 12, 2006 04:48
so im still drunk...
i had one bottle of wine, one glass of wine, 4 shots, 3 other random drinks, and a COSMO. I know a cosmo is gay, but it SO fucking fits me! Why? Because I am gay...
Yeah I had fun tnoght, and I am hapyp that I moved to florida. I called my a few people from back in AZ and it was good to hear their voices. I am sad that I didint say good bye to some of them, but oh well. I miss them still because of all the good times that we once had. It was funny
I like Florida. It is fun. I live like less then 10 mins from the beach, but the storms might come and eat me up...
School is goiking okay, I am still applying for a shit load of intenships. I want teh one in either Boca Raton, FL or Greenwich, CT. I am really wanting the one in CT. I tis funny how i grew up out west and now I live on teh east coast...really weird. I miss the liberal west, but hey what am i going to do...
I found an old picture of my kindergarden class. it is funny because i know like almost everyone and itis funny to see who became the sluts and the whores. I am not one of htem just becuase i am nick.
I hate hte olympics because it is lame.
Oh yeah I love drag queens. they are funny and i have my favorite drag queen who is 50 and she just fucking rules. I bought her a drink tonght and i fuckign love her. I oweed her a drink because she is cute and i want to steal her because hse is just cool...
ta. night.