That Particular Day

Aug 18, 2011 05:16

Title: That Particular Day
Author: abene74
Rating: PG
Pairing: John/Paul
Warning: Sweet feelings, emotions
Disclaimer: .I am creating this completely from my J/P obsessed mind. It never happened , as far as I know
Timeline: 1961
Word Count: Under a 1,000 words, I'm sure
Summary: Paul and JoUhn are working on a new tune, when Paul is coming to terms with what he's feeling.
Author's Note: My first short story.  I wrote a couple under the prev name Paulies_girl, not sure why I couldn't get back in under my old name, maybe it was deleted since it had been a while.

That Particular Day, around 1961

He sat there across from me, like usual. Working on new material, as the way we've done since '57. This was our method. Facing each other, me in a chair, across from him sitting on the edge of the bed. Or two twin beds, which we'd push closer together to close the gap between us. We felt each others energy better when we sat close.  Legs lightly brushing each others at random.  Well this particular day the brushing didn't quite seem random.  To think about it now, most of the times, I believe we deliberately would allow these touches between us.   He sat across from me in his denim jeans and black T-shirt.  He was wearing his black framed Buddy Holly glasses and his cheeks looked rosy.  I loved when his cheeks would go all flushed. Usually it happened when he was bashful or embarrassed about something, which was rare for John. But this time, I wasn't sure where it came from.

I noticed his eyes kept watching my lips whenever I  spoke or sung a new line.  His sleepy eyes would gaze down at them then back up to meet my eyes. I started to melt under his stare.  It started becoming distracting.  We would be really making some progress on a line or chord change, and then the gazing would start up again. I would be lying if I were to say it bothered me.  I used to feel a little uncompfortable with how close he would get to me. Now it wasn't because I didn't feel the same, but at that time,  wasn't sure what I felt. But eventually I realized that it wasn't just plain admiration that I had for John,  He was beautiful. I relished in the idea of being his partner. I loved that it was just me and John and then everyone else came after. Then I started to feel more then that.  Deep down inside, I wanted more. I never felt that way towards any man or boy in my younger years, so it was foriegn to me. But after a while, it was all too familiar to feel that way whenever we were alone.  Sometimes we could just hang out like regular mates for the most part, but there was always that underlying feeling of intimacy between us. But when we were alone, it was ever so present.  The thing is, prior to that day, I knew we were close and I had feelings for him,., But I wasn't sure if John felt the same way. Sure, I picked up on some signals, but I didn't know to what extent Johns feelings for me were.

It seemed as if he noticed that I noticed he was staring again, and he started concentrating more on his chords.  Keeping his eyes on his own hands and gracefully moving his fingers up and down the neck and picking at the nylon strings.  Now,  I found myself staring.  The way his nose pointed downward and that strong bridge peeking out from his glasses.  His bottom lip was wet from licking it while carefully selecting each chord to create a new melody. Those sweet looking lips. They were as rosy as his cheeks. My eyes followed down to look at those beautiful hands of his.  I've admired his hands since the day we met, but I've only mentioned it to him once that I thought that he had nice hands.  Afraid of sounding too soft, I've never mentioned it again after that slightly irritated look John gave me.  But this time, they looked more beautiful then ever.  Matter of fact, that moment, John looked more beautiful then ever. He realized that my playing became slow and out of sync with his as he slowly looked up at me.  "Paulie?" he asked, just saying my name.  My eyes locked with his. There was a magnetic energy between us that I find hard to explain. I felt my face go flushed this time. In that very moment I realized then that I was in love with him.


that particular day

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