That Particular Day, Chap 4 John's POV

Sep 22, 2011 05:16

   Title: That Particular Day, Chapter 4 John's POV
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Sweet feelings, past angst and sexual content
Disclaimer: .I am creating this completely from my J/P obsessed mind. It never happened , as far as I
Timeline: 1961
Word Count: Under a  2500 ords, I'm sure
Summary: Paul and John are working on a
new tune, when John begins to realize there is way more to their relationship
Author's Note.  This is Johns POV, taking from the door scene

Paul. Such a sweet name. Such a sweet face. In the
beginning, after we met, my other mates, either in the band or from around the neighborhood 
would wonder, 'Why do you hang out with such silly face, little boy?' He was
year and half younger. His cheeks were chubby, and had big hazel eyes. His face
was almost 'too cute', that it made him look funny. Like a baby even. He acted a
little square. Didn't curse as much as the others, and didn't drink or smoke,
yet. Courteous and polite to strangers, and had manners, even when he didn't
have to have them. But despite his charming demeanor, he was strong person,
mentally and physically.  And despite his sweet looks, he was no sissy when it
came to someone trying to giv'em a lark. I've seen Paul stand up to a bloke or
two, who were even older, and a bit bigger then he.  But of course if they'd got
the upper hand, I'd cripple them myself.

But with that said, Paul still was a bit reserved. Very
even tempered, but I was able to see past that.   I could see that there was
more to him then meets the eye. He had suffered the lost of his mother less then
a year ago by the time we met, and this loss had driven his desire to make
music.  To learn, to create, to get better.  Always to get better.  He had
confidence and raw determination.  There was a fire under that sweet looking
exterior. and I would be there to add fuel to the flames.  We both saw each
others potential more then anyone else could.  We were the same in so many ways,
and  were also each others opposites.  We made up for each others lacking's.  I just
don't know where my life would be right now, hadn't I met Paul.
       Of course he can be a bit of a perfectionist and
workaholic, and it can drive me mad at times.  We don't always get along
perfectly, but I love the way things are between us. Even though he can be a
bossy son-of-a-bitch.  I wouldn't have changed it for the world.     Well, may
be some changes are good. Being with a friend that you can get completely
absorbed with, and have such a emotional connection with, the lines can start to
get a little blurry.

Sometimes, looking at him, I can see myself.  I
could see the past, present and future. And I see this with him.  After me mum
died, he comforted me like no other could.  Just being there helped.  Just Paul,
being Paul, was enough.  After this, we were practically inseparable.  Looking
back, I regret the distance I put between us after I've met Stu.  It hurt
him.  But when it appeared that he was beginning to move on, I ended up only
hurting myself.   I love Stu, don't get me wrong, but my Paul...he's
irreplacable.  After I realized what an idiot I had  been, I asked him to come
along with me to Spain. Just the two of us.   We'd hitch up there, and I'd pay
for everything.  Financed by me birthday money I received from one of my
aunties.  During that trip, something changed.   On our way there, we stopped
off in Paris.  We ended up staying, and those long days and nights, in the
City of Lights, alone with him, had cemented our bond.  I believe it
was then, I had fallen for him.

When he stood at his bedroom door, looking
completely worried.  Afraid of my reaction, I had to go to him.  I had to tell
him how I've felt as well.   When I held him in my arms, for the first time, in
that intimate way, I could feel the heat rising off of his soft skin.  We held
each other so tightly, I thought I'd go through him.   Breathing in his lovely
scent, made me so high, I thought I'd lost almost all senses.  All I could do is
thank him.  Thank him for being so brave and telling me how he felt, not knowing
my reaction.  Because of this, I could finally hold him the way that I've always
wanted to for years, and especially since Paris.

I was still kind of afraid of this.  This thing
we have between us, but in that moment, all I wanted was to taste his
mouth.  When I went to reluctantly kiss him, he was right there with me.  When
our mouths met, it was soft and sweet. Filled with love.  His luscious lips were
all mine.  No more daydreaming about them, they were mine now.  He was mine . 
Our hips stayed pressed tightly together the whole time.   The deeper the kiss,
the more our bodies began to move against each other.   The kissing became quite
heavy, and wanted to taste more of him.  Feel more of him.  I grinded my hips
into his, with so much force, it pushed him up hard against his door.  I'm glad
his dad and brother got lost for the day.   Because I had lost all control.  And
so did he.   I licked and sucked all over that creamy, soft skin.  His neck,
shoulders, face, chin, I couldn't get enough.  I wanted more.   Paul wanted for
us to go to his bed.  The thought of anything in the bed with him, made me so
incredibly hard, I thought I'd explode.

We managed to get to the bed, clumsily. and then
the clothes started flying off.    We both had too much pent up feelings to wait
for a special moment.  There was no stopping it.   Flesh to flesh, the pleasure
was achingly good.  "Oh John, this feels soooo good." He moaned in my ear.  His
slim, but firm and solid body, writhed against mine.     The pre-cum made our
friction slick, and  increased the pleasure.   Damn it, he felt so good.  He pushed
his hips up, meeting my every thrust against his  body.  "Damn it Paul, don't
you dare stop"  I said, while my heart was pounding out of my chest, I thought it'd
stop.   Cocks gliding right up against each others, in the most delicious way. 
But I still wanted more.  Sometimes there'd be a brief separation between them,
and I needed it. I needed that feeling to not stop.    I had reached down,
grabbing  our cocks together , and pumped them both.  The pleasure was too
much, and I started to shoot out.  As I was cumin, Paul grabbed my head so we
could be facing, eye to eye as we came.  I could feel his hips begin to buck,
and he started to gyrate his hips, sliding his member in and out my fist, while sliding
against my member, as I stroked us both.  "Ohh John!...ahhh damn it! "  He breathlessly said, as he intensly stared into my eyes.   " love you." I said as I blinked back the tears, as we both cried out each others names in the most sinful way, as we rode it out together.   The level of passion between
us that particular day,  was unbelievable.  There would be no turning back. 

that particular day chap 4 johns pov

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