(no subject)

Jul 30, 2009 08:56

posting is strange for me. usally i post things so that my friends who I never see can be like oh what's going on with die Blume? and there it is. but then there are days (like yesterday) that I want to update but can't bring myself to sit down at the computer. part of me is afraid of something. can't quite put a name to it. but here's what I got so far;
either the funshea is off in the computer room or i'm afraid that if I post some events then they become truly real.

i know that sounds very chick flick but it's all I got.

so here is the big news that i couldn't post yesterday: one of my classmates came up to me after class and asked "how are you doing so far" in a beautiful Russian accent I might add. I told her not well, (yes I say well) and that my average is 68%
she was so nice and said to me, "you're almost there, keep trying" and then "I don't think she likes you very much"
.... really? .... you see it too? I couldn't believe my ears. "Yeah, I was noticing that, I don't think that's fair"

^_^ I'm not crazy

and it only took 4 semesters that's 6 classes with these people but I'm finally making friends in my german classes. and these are really nice interesting people not just the brown nosers that i've been hanging out with.  I cracked a joke in class yesterday and everyone laughed instead of told me to be quiet. I smiled and laughed so hard at something said on the other side of the room.
I'm enjoying myself in class,
so you know she's going to have to do something to make me cry today.

I love the weather this week. I think colorado is trying to appease me after causing a bunch of shit in my life.
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