Apr 09, 2009 20:21
So ontop of my crazy work load, I know get to deal with BITCHES... mumbling under their breaths that I'm an idot. yelling at During class, and making snotty gabs at me in front of the rest of the class.
So much for trying to make friends, I guess I have enough of those.
I don't mind the work load, it's the walking on eggshells I can't stand. I wish I had a group of friends in class declairing my work "perfect" and yelling at anyone who says anything to the contrarry.
I just need to be able to unload, relax, or I really can't do this 24 7 I need a break every now and again. I need to just be aloud to be... be myself. I need to be aloud to feel good once in awhile,
I know pipe dream