Oct 20, 2003 21:00
as long as i'm making lists, i'll do this one too, as i lost the original when i let my palm pilot die (i'd make a baad tomagatchi mom)
migraine triggers -- taking 2 birth control pills, flourescent lights, nutrasweet, stress, math (ha), low blood sugar, fatigue, my glasses (hope to fix this wednesday), staring at the computer for too long (oh fucking well), hormone changes, facial tension, driving too long, specially in the daytime
symptoms -- headache (duh), neck heat and tension, neck gets too tired to hold my head up, face gets cold, facial muscle twitching, light sensitivity, olfactory and gustatory hallucinations, generalized disorientation/stupidity, loss of motor control skills, shakiness, nasuea, mood swings and generalized bitchiness, appetite shoots through the roof (whether i'm nautious or not)
sources of mild relief -- facial and scalp massage, foot massage, exercise, sex (orgasms anyhow), chocolate, icy hot on pressure points, large doses of painkillers, alcohol, food, rosemary tea, hot packs, ice packs, sleep, closing my eyes, taking off my glasses, sitting in the dark, music through headphones (something about the vibration)
prescriptions tried so far --
some generic muscle relaxer, worked for 2 or 3 weeks, then built tolerance
Amerge, hated it, made me nautious and senseless and didn't get rid of the pain anyhow
Zomig, worked as a preventative if i took it at exactly the right time, might have been building a tolerance when i ran out
Imitrex, worked the 3 times i was able to take it
i need to see a nuerologist.