Jan 25, 2012 11:36
So, our insurance changed the first of the year. It's better insurance, but now I've lost the prescription discount I had in lieu of RX coverage. I technically have RX coverage, but to give you an example, I had to get the good cough syrup Monday night. The RX was $15.00 and the plan paid less than $0.50. See my dilemma?
Anyway, onto the bad news. My Seroquel, which was about $1000 for 90 days, just jumped to
$3,869.92 for 90 days (after the insurance). The plan pays less then $500 on it.
Now, no one could afford that, especially not me. Hell the $333/month that the extended pay plan was letting me pay was almost too much for me to pay.
I've been crying on and off all morning and freaking out. We just now got my meds back on track, and I don't even want to think what might happen if we have to change them again. I'm scared that I might have to go back into hospital. I already have a call in to the doctors, both my regular GP and the therapist to see if they can help. The trouble is that Seroquel is kind of different from most everything else, and there isn't really anything comparable.
Anyway, my request for help is this. Does anyone know of a low cost drug program out there? (I can't use the one from Astrazeneca, the company that makes the meds, because I make about $1000 too much money.) Or, does anyone know of a reputable online pharmacy or a Canadian pharmacy? This is a psychiatric drug, do I need to be sure of the quality of whatever I get. Hell, anything would be helpful at this point.
If you don't feel comfortable commenting, please email me: belladonna81575@yahoo.com
Everyone please keep their fingers crossed for me.
I'm using the Dalek icon, because I kind of feel like the cosmos is pointing at me and yelling, "EXTERMINATE" while cursing me for being defective enough to need meds. So it's like the Dalek/Cyberman invasion of London, only more depressing and upsetting and scarier and with shittier scenery.