A Splash of Orange, A Thread of Gold - Part 1/2 (Doctor Who Ten/Rose fanfic)

Mar 01, 2014 20:58

Author: Abelina
Title: A Splash of Orange, A Thread of Gold
Chapter: Part I
Fandom/Pairing: Doctor Who, Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler (Ten x Rose, Ten/Rose)
Summary: ‘Run’ was a beginning.  This is where we stop running. Rose and the Doctor in the aftermath of Krop Tor.
Setting: S2 - Post-The Satan Pit. Spoilers up to and including that episode.
Rating/ ( Read more... )

whofic, tenth doctor/rose tyler, tenth doctor, fic: a splash of orange a thread of gold, fan fiction, ten x rose, doctor who, ten/rose, rose tyler

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Comments 2

yumimum March 2 2014, 11:12:22 UTC
I meant to say yesterday, but hats off for managing it in present tense. You did a great job :)

And um, not that you really needed it, but here's a little visual accompaniment to shower!Ten.

... )


abelina March 2 2014, 19:51:28 UTC
Mmmm, I can never have enough soapy Ten(nant). Ever.

Thank you so very much :)


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