Feb 11, 2010 17:39
Back from my sister's, and I wish I was still there. We had the best visit and I love that little boy so much! I got back yesterday afternoon, but I was supposed to be home Tuesday evening. The plane had some unexpected stop to make, which meant I missed the last connecting flight to my airport, so I got to stay another night at my sister's. Which was wonderful!
And now, I have to work tonight. Pooh.
My sister and I were going to watch some Buffy, but first she wanted to introduce me to Lost. Oh my wow. How I missed this show, I don't know. We never got around to watching Buffy. I only have two more episodes to go before I finish season 2.
I'm actually hoping my husband doesn't like it so that I can go ahead and watch season 3 without having to wait for him.
And that's about it. I'm hoping to get caught up on updates and such in the next few days. Have a good evening (or whatever time of day it is in your neck of the woods), F-list :D
life: random,
fic: lost