(no subject)

Dec 12, 2009 09:32

Hello, F-list and anyone else who happens to read this.

So, as you may have guessed, Real Life (in my old fandom, posts like these were about Darth Real Life) hasn't been such a great friend the last couple of weeks and I've not had much time to write or be online for any length of time.

Things were looking pretty bleak, but I managed 800 words yesterday on a Spuffy Christmas story, which brings me hope that I can get around the life issues and back to writing.

My little family is headed off tomorrow morning for a week at Whistler (Ski Resort) as our Christmas trip/present this year, and I will not be bringing my laptop, and therefore will be incommunicado until after I get back. So, sorry in advance to everyone, because I haven't had time and probably won't for the next little while to read and comment on all of the very important things you have posted in your own journals.

As far as updates go, I wouldn't hold out hope for anything on Could Be You until after the holidays, but I'm hoping to finish my little Christmas story before Christmas comes.

life: random, writer's block, fic: could be you

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