Anywhere (Spuffy Fanfic)

May 28, 2009 00:47

Title: Anywhere
Summary: Buffy returns to California for the first time in years, and encounters more of her past than she ever expected.
Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em.  I’m just borrowing them for a while.
Rating: G, probably.
Author’s Note: Fluffy and unbeta’d.  Just something I scrawled in about half an hour and quite possibly the shortest fic I’ve ( Read more... )

fan fiction, buffy, spike, buffy the vampire slayer, fic: anywhere, spuffy

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kaladhwen May 28 2009, 23:05:03 UTC
I'm not really a Buffy/Spike fan, but I absolutely love the way you write.

Still love it, obviously, since I co-wrote something with you. XD


abelina May 28 2009, 23:06:53 UTC
I appreciate the read, even if you're not big on the Spuffy :D

And I still absolutely adore our collaboration. We need to do that again some day!


kaladhwen May 29 2009, 00:37:23 UTC
We totally need to!


abelina May 29 2009, 04:30:12 UTC
The question is . . . do we write Star Wars, or do we find a way to get along in the BtVS-verse?


kaladhwen May 30 2009, 07:05:46 UTC
I... have no idea! I've never really written Buffy fic before, although I have to keep reminding myself I AM qualified since I've seen every ep of Buffy and Angel. Hrm.


abelina May 30 2009, 07:08:40 UTC
I'm sure we could find a way to do it, even if we had to avoid pairing Buffy with somebody to make us get along :D


kaladhwen May 30 2009, 07:32:21 UTC
There's always The Immortal. ;)


abelina May 30 2009, 15:55:35 UTC
*hisses* No, no! I'd rather write Bangel than that!


kaladhwen May 31 2009, 02:54:15 UTC
LOL. I'm sure we could figure out something.


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